Welcome to Your One Glance℠Patient Flow Management System

KelKom is the only communication system that generates proven positive profits and positive Return on Investment (ROI) compared to all other approaches.

Serious practices driving high treatment room utilization rely on KelKom because we deliver superior results and profits.

Don’t let flashy and fiddly PC & mobile device communication software kill your profitability, and waste your time. Or worse, expose patient information.

Manage your patient flows the most efficient and highest profit way using KelKom’s patented non-verbal interface – we call this the “KelKomPradigm™”

Our newest product, FlexPanel II™, supplies KelKom Apps running on popular devices you have in your office including “personal devices.

Improve The Workflow & Profitability of Your Practice with KelKom™

Sleek & Powerful

The patented & intuitive KelKom Paradigm means you waste no time. It takes one glance to get instantly the crucial information you need – no mousing, no reading, TXTing, speaking, or walking the halls.

A KelKom “Glance” is a blink of your eye compared to “Looking and Reading” required by others.

Increase the performance of your team. Instantly eliminate wasted time.

The KelKom Paradigm substantially increases your team performance with patient flow improved efficiencies and causing smoother workflows.

Let’s discuss your current patient flows and work flow process steps, and discover how much more efficient your team can be.

Customizable & Expandable

Edit your KelKom button configuration into any panel configuration for your needs.

Your personalized layout can easily change over time to accommodate even the fastest growing practice.

We offer 3 communication panel designs to scale communication to accommodate the complexity of any practice.

Discreet & Private

Communicate sensitive information without patients seeing or overhearing.

Improve patient experience by limiting team distractions such as headsets, pagers or messages on a screen.

Minimize legal risk knowing all communications are HIPAA & PIPEDA compliant.

“…the system allowed us to save time on each patient appointment, and therefore drive greater production dollars because our workflow was more efficient.

How efficient? How does one additional hour available PER ROOM PER DAY sound? This means more patients seen in a day.”

“We have looked at other systems, and none could match the sleekness, power, and efficient way the KelKom system works.”

Invest in a System
Proven Profitable

Through our case studies we have found the average four treatment room practice breaks even within the first year after purchase including installation. More treatment rooms can reduce this time.

That means profits soar for the months, years and even decades ahead!

This is compared to other communication systems that may have little to no or NEGATIVE impact on the profitability of the practice.

Maximize Financial Performance

Efficient patient flow defines successful workflow, and is the key determinant of your ability to maximize sustainable profit across your practice.

Choosing a communication system is not single-dimension – its more than purchase cost. A cheap or seemingly inexpensive communication approach will cost many times more in lost time over a matter of weeks – making the cost of use huge in comparison.

Those users don’t feel this hidden time and financial penalty unless they compare different approaches.

KelKom has already measured this penalty for all approaches available today.

As production increases, a focus on positive ROI (return on investment) is paramount. Rising production will result in existing processes becoming stressed or overloaded– they weren’t design for the new loads. This leads then to inefficiencies, higher costs, and diminishing returns.

KelKom’s focus on ensuring efficient daily operations is a direct correlation to greater profitability.

Trusted by a wide range of specialties, from Dental offices to Veterinary clinics and Specialty Medical practices. KelKom has been used by thousands of offices for decades since 1995 (when we started counting.)

Increase Patient Flow
& Revolutionize Workflow

Adopting best practices to your workflow and communication is the key to seamless operations.

From reception to the back office areas, the “KelKom Paradigm” is the most effective and efficient communication tool managing patient flow and intra-office communication.

KelKom has been working with its clients directly to find the best method for streamlining medical services for over 40 years.

Improve Patient & Team Satisfaction

KelKom Communication is the heart of seamless management.

Our clients have reported reduced stress among teams after switching from previous methods such as radios, messaging apps and call systems. Patients can sense when your team is not operating cohesively, which may prompt them to seek care elsewhere in the future.

Streamlining your workflow with advanced solutions enhances team performance resulting in improved patient satisfaction and greater retention rates.

Are You Ready For Seamless KelKom Communication?

Switch away from inefficient workflows into our one glance system. You’ll experience greater profits, team satisfaction and the ease on your busy workload.

Contact us now to get a quote!

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